Who should attend
Why they should attend
All health care practitioners wanting to learn the basic skills of point of care ultrasound and start their PoCUS journey, especially those practicing medicine in emergency settings.
Course Information
The core ePoCUS curriculum focuses on ultrasound skills that are deemed essential for all health care providers working in an emergency setting or dealing with emergencies on a regular basis , and includes 7 core modules and applications to be covered in the course:
1. Module 1: Introduction and Principles of PoCUS
2. Module 2: Image Acquisition and Optimisation
3. Module 3: The extended Focused Assessment with Sonar in Trauma (eFAST)
4. Module 4: Basic Lung Ultrasound Assessment
5. Module 5: Aorta Ultrasound Assessment
6. Module 6: Basic Cardiac Ultrasound assessment including Limited Compression ultrasound for DVT
7. Module 7: Ultrasound guided vascular access
All the course content and the theoretical components of the course will be presented online.
The focus on the day of the course will be on bedside, hands on practical ultrasound training, using a variety of ultrasound machines and ultrasound patient models.
A group of highly experienced PoCUS providers will be there to guide you and help gain your confidence as you begin your ePoCUS journey.
core ePoCUS Credentialing Exam
Who is eligible
Purpose of the credentialing exam
EMSSA's recommendations for entering a credentialing exam are:
1. Attended an appropriate training course.
2. Performed at a minimum the recommended number and type of scans for each application:
3. Made use of PoCUS in the clinical setting, under appropriate supervision
Any independent practitioner may attempt the credentialing examination. There are no specific training or experiential requirements and experience through self-directed learning is appropriate. However, given the nature of the examination, we would recommend that candidates have:
• Attended an appropriate training course.
• Performed at a minimum the recommended number and type of scans for each module:
eFAST (minimum of 25 accurate, clinically indicated eFAST exams)
Lung (minimum of 25 accurate, clinically indicated Lung Ultrasound exams)
AAA (minimum of 25 accurate, focused abdominal aorta scans)
Cardiac (25 accurate and clinically indicated basic cardiac ultrasound exams)
Vascular access (10 successful and clinically indicated ultrasound-guided central venous catheter insertions AND 10 peripheral catheter insertions)
DVT (minimum of 20 correctly performed, clinically indicated DVT ultrasound exams)
We only recommend a certain number of scans be completed for each application but will not enforce it, nor require a formal logbook submission prior to attempting the credentialing examination.
Exam Format:
There will be two components to the credentialing exam:
an MCQ/VAQ examination and
an examination with simulated patients.
Simulated patients may or may not have actual pathology.
Assessment of the outcome of the examination
The following criteria will be used to assess the outcome of the written and practical examinations:
- The pass mark for the MCQ/VAQ examination will be 75%.
- The pass mark for each simulation examination will be 60%.
- The candidate will need to pass both the MCQ/VAQ examination and each simulation examination to be successful at the credentialing.
- If the candidate passes one component but not the other, the outcome will be regarded as an “INCOMPLETE – repeat component” and they may return at a subsequent credentialing examination to repeat that component.
Advanced ePoCUS Course
Who should attend
Why they should attend
Any Health care practitioner with a passion for PoCUS, wishing to expand and advance their existing PoCUS skills. Training in advanced ultrasound is contingent upon core ultrasound education training and credentialing having been completed as per the Core ePoCUS guidelines.
NB: Candidates can only attend the advanced course if they have been certified as core ePoCUS providers (i.e. have been successful at an EMSSA credentialing exam) or can provide evidence of an equivalent certification or evidence of scanning competence beyond a basic/core level.
Course Information
The core ePoCUS curriculum focuses on ultrasound skills that are deemed essential for all health care providers working in an emergency setting or dealing with emergencies on a regular basis , and includes 7 core modules and applications to be covered in the course:
The following modules have been included in the Advanced ePoCUS curriculum:
• Focused cardiac ultrasound and haemodynamic assessment.
• Deep vein thrombosis extended compression ultrasound.
• Advanced thoracic (lung) and airway ultrasound.
• Regional anaesthesia and nerve blocks.
• Hepato-biliary and genito-urinary tract PoCUS.
• Gastrointestinal tract PoCUS.
• Focused obstetric and gynaecological PoCUS.
• Transcranial doppler and ocular ultrasound.
This list reflects the current practice of Advanced ePoCUS. It will be reviewed periodically as further areas of practice become recognised as part of the scope of PoCUS.
Applications / modules
In order to obtain the Advanced ePoCUS credentialing, proficiency needs to be demonstrated in a minimum of five modules. Three of the modules will be compulsory:
• Focused cardiac ultrasound and haemodynamic assessment.
• Deep vein thrombosis extended compression ultrasound.
• Advanced thoracic (lung) and airway ultrasound.
The remaining two choices of advanced modules can be made from the following options:
Regional anaesthesia and nerve blocks.
• Hepato-biliary and genito-urinary tract PoCUS.
• Gastrointestinal tract PoCUS.
• Focused obstetric and gynaecological PoCUS.
• Transcranial doppler and ocular ultrasound
Advanced ePoCUS Credentialing Exam
The credentialing process will be similar for the Core ePoCUS module and the Advanced ePoCUS modules. During the examination for Core ePoCUS, all components of the curriculum will be examined using multiple examination techniques (eFAST, basic lung ultrasound, basic cardiac ultrasound, vascular access, basic aortic scanning).
Multiple components will be examined during each simulation station. During the examination for Advanced ePoCUS, each module will be examined separately, but also using multiple examination techniques.